It must be me.

Is it me or does it seem weird to anyone else that Bush calls himself a war president? Coming into office and creating a war and then calling yourself a war president? What the hell is that? And since when is a war the greatest thing a president could ever do? He orchestrated that war and now he stands on top of it as if it&#146s the most momentous victory in all of history, pounding his chest and shouting, &#147Look at all the good I did! I am a war president; I led our country through war! I am the greatest man to ever live! Give me more campaign money!&#148

I read that Bush has not attended the funeral of any personnel killed in Iraq. Which seems maybe in direct opposition with all of his spouting but at the same time, you know that if he DID attend any funerals, he would make it the biggest media spectacle this side of Hollywood, so in a way it&#146s good, because really, a funeral is just not the time for a photo-op. I wonder how his spin doctors will handle this latest rash of killings and the images of charred Americans and cheering crowds. I am sure he&#146ll work into his election campaign somehow. As I am sure Kerry will work it into his.

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