halloween 2006

We had fun trick or treating with Ryland this year. He was timid and apprehensive, but after the first house or two it started to sink in that people were giving him candy, candy and more candy. Then he became quite excited and after every house would sign “more.” (Ry doesn’t use many words, but he knows quite a few signs/gestures that he uses to communicate.) He walked around for about 80 mins, loading up two buckets of candy and enjoying all the attention.

It’s fun to experience halloween through Ryland.

Anyway, here are some pics of our spooky adventures. Well okay they weren’t spooky at all, but we did drive by a cemetary on the way home (we trick or treated in a relative’s neighborhood as our own is frightening in all the wrong ways).

5 thoughts on “halloween 2006

  1. celly belly

    I miss halloween! I mean, I miss celebrating it. what a cutie patootie! I didnt see any kids dressed up in costumes cause I work in a NON kid friendly condo, but I did see plenty of those little, “accessory” dogs as I like to refer to them as, dressed in costumes, oy vey! admittedly, they were pretty darn cute, although I cant say the dogs themselves were exactly thrilled about it. happy day of the dead everyone!

  2. Steph

    OHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHH! I kept wondering what Ry was. He is so cute.. i just want to squeeze him. He is so cute. I wish we could have went with you all.

    Miss you lots!