It was summer when I saw your face

Ever since I started “dating” again, it’s felt like I’ve been chasing someone. or something. I don’t know what exactly.

I mean of course sex. Duh. But not just sex right? If I wanted just sex, then I certainly found it, in multiple ways, and do not need to keep looking.

So who knows what I’m doing now. Certainly not me. Which is okay. Why do I always need to know what I’m doing. Can’t I just live my life without a frigging constant deep-dive analysis of every action.

And I am having fun with my new friend. I don’t have to chase him. I don’t have to twist myself into knots and intricate positions to get his attention. He just likes me. He wants to do stuff with me. He wants to touch me. He doesn’t make me feel inadequate. It is all so very easy, so very simple. But here’s the best part. It is not boring! Normally something this uncomplicated is mind-numbingly dull.

Do not ask me about drew. I have no idea what is happening there.

And do not ask me about erik. I also have no idea what is happening there. he haunts me every hour of every day and maybe he will till the day I die, but I am able to push it to the back of my head and it doesn’t make me sick to my stomach as much anymore. Progress?

The yeeterus is quickly approaching. Ahhhhh!!! I was so wrapped up in no longer being a woman that I never considered the 6-8 week recovery, a lot of which includes no gym.

Hear that? NO GYM. What am I going to do?