Heat waves been faking me out

Glass Animals sure can make some sexy music. Even when the subject matter isn’t, the music still is. and I mean like crazy sexy. “Oh you’re singing about a former schoolmate who almost committed a mass shooting? Okay okay. but damn if I don’t wanna be sliding up against you right now.”

It’s not just me is it? Is it?

Of course, this is also the longest I’ve ever gone without sex, so I can find the sexy in pretty much anything right now.

Considered tinder again, even though I hate it. But maybe? Maybe? I’m waxxed, vaxxed and maxxed. When the kids are away, the kitty wants to play. so maybe. Probably not. But maybe.

Is there a sad fat old lady tinder? Cause that’s what I need. a “look covid was really hard on me physically mentally and emotionally but I’m still really good at BJs” tinder? Cause that’s what I need.

Sometimes all I think about is you. Late nights in the middle of June.