When you look in her eyes & all you see is your mom

I make fun of G all the time for being a mama’s boy.

I think it’s safe to say that ry’s future significant other will do the same to him. Ry just gave me a hug today and whispered in my ear, “mom when I’m older we can get married sometime.”

awwww isn’t that the sweetest? he has no idea what marriage means just that he loves me and being married in his mind means that he loves me. awww. it’s so cute. I’m gonna marry my boy!

happy new year to all my loyal loafers. see ya next year!

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One thought on “When you look in her eyes & all you see is your mom

  1. DG

    That is the best sweetest ever Christa…Sweeter than when I promise to to marry my kitties…
    Happy New Year to you as well!!