Why do you do this to yourself

I think I’m in a good place with him. I think finally I can move on finally I can let go finally I can be free.

But then I have a night like tonight. And I am not free. I am not in a good place with him. I will never be, will I?

So maybe I can move on. But at a great cost. he has ruined me.

Yes. I went back tonight. To the old videos. The messages. The voice memos. all I have left of that time. That time where he showed me all his shiny toys and I bought every single thing he sold me. At a price that I am still paying today.

It felt so good but it hurts so bad. why does it still have to hurt. I should not have gone back. It was a sad orgasm. I had to work for it and really earn it and I only cried just a tiny little bit. It’s been a long time since I went back and even longer since I cried.

Some people burrow down so deep that they become part of your bloodstream, part of your tissue, your bone. And you learn to live with it. You just learn to live with it. yeah it might make you feel sick or woozy every now and then, but you do get used to it. Your body adjusts. Adapts. And sometimes? Well sometimes it’ll remind you. The disease you let in, the disease that exists forever inside you. Doesnt want you to ever forget or get too comfortable.

The heart wants what it wants. What can you do.

Find something else to distract us I guess. These are the words I want to hear. Maybe they’re not from the person I most want to say them but I will take it.

I want to be loved. By someone that I love. It’s pathetic and disgusting and I hate myself for it. Why can’t an asteroid destroy the earth already. And no I don’t feel beautiful but I like someone else thinking I am and telling me that, I put that shit on repeat and eat it up like candy. Treat me like garbage that’s fine just tell me the words I want to hear.

Look at me. Therapy is really working!!

The ethical slut

I’ve started a new book, the ethical slut. There’s a lot of positivity and empowerment and inclusivity so far and that is really great, this is a great thing. but I can see how it might get really annoying after awhile. We’ll see how it goes.

I just finished my billionth rereading of the end of vandalism. I don’t know that a more perfect book exists. It has never faded, it glitters and dances and soothes and makes my heart ache as much as ever.

What I would give to put a book like that out into the world.

My dad continues to heal and recover. I was planning to go to Tucson towards end of Jan to visit. My sisters were scheduled for the kidney transplant surgery and I was gonna go back and help them out and see my dad, who will maybe be home by then. But the donation fell through and the surgery canceled. I guess this happens a lot. And because of privacy laws they can’t say what went wrong, who or why. So my sister doesn’t get her kidney and doesn’t get to know why and it makes me feel bad. But we gotta stay hopeful. They found a match, they’ll find another one.

Is it shitty to say that I am super grateful that I did not get this disease? I got the short, stocky, boxy body type. They got a kidney disease. Life is hard for everyone.

Let the monsters loose

Ok so I am ready to admit that I am definitely certainly 100% lonely. I don’t need a relationship but I am struggling with the feeling that I am not going to have a connection again with anyone.

It’s ok tho. I like being alone and people exhaust and annoy me to no end. besides, no one appreciates me like I appreciate me.

But I do want someone to like me again. to find me a little thrilling. A little fascinating. a lot sexy. I want their attention and for them to do something romantic and sweet for me that isn’t obnoxious or stupid or sickening or lame. I want someone to care about me in the ways that I care about them. I want to feel taken care of. Is that so terrible and embarrassing? I guess it is but that’s what I am feeling.

Wait though! More important than all of that, you know what I want? I want to feel that feeling again over a guy. A boy who tickles my fancy. A man to get me excited. Someone that I can’t stop thinking about, who makes me want to dote on them, who gets me going, gets me all tingly and goofy and stupid, where I get all dopey and obsessed.

I worry tho. That it doesn’t exist. That no one like that exists for me. Because everyone is so fucking dull. And I mean everyone. “What’s your favorite movies?” Barf. “What kind of foods do you like?” EYE ROLL. “What do you like to do for fun?” Are you fucking kidding me with this.

But I believe that the magic is out there still. That I might be able to find it. I probably won’t but maybe I will? It isn’t IMPOSSIBLE. Weirder things have happened in this world.

I have also decided to embrace a new approach to my life. Instead of always feeling unworthy and like I am not enough, I am going to do the opposite. just blow my way through this next decade as if I AM worthy. As if I am enough. As if I have appeal exactly as I am. That I already AM everything I think I am (or want to be). Cause see, I can choose to conduct myself in whatever manner I see fit. I’m tired of thinking I am second best. Fuck that. I am first best!


That being said, I am going to cancel this date on Saturday, cause I have to just sit with this new approach for a little while longer. I’m not quite ready to conquer the world. I have some more stewing to do, more feeling sad and bad.

I did decide what I was going to do with my 2025 though (besides completely withdrawing from current events and ignoring everything happening around me and treating it all like a bad reality tv show). 2025 isn’t about resolutions and goals. Fuck that noise. It is about revenge. I am making this the year of revenge.

So everybody get ready. (You know who you are.)

Hospitals, turkey and eegees

The plan was to drive to Tucson for thanksgiving week. Return to Colorado on Saturday. Then fly out to Vegas for work. Spend the week there and get back home yesterday. None of this happened. Or at least not the way it was supposed to go.

Instead my dad decided to spice everything up. He is diabetic and not very good at managing it, so the Friday before we were due to leave, a small sore on his foot turned into a major problem. He felt no pain because his nerves are gone in his foot. It took him falling and hitting his head to go to the ER. The hit to the head turned out to be nothing but it pretty much saved his life. Because the infection in his foot was bad, real bad. it had spread so rapidly that it turned into wet gangrene. the doctor said if he had gone another day like that, he probably would have died.

So he’s in the hospital being treated for this serious infection but he’s doing ok. The docs are doing a lot of surgeries and pumping him full of antibiotics to try and get rid of all the infection. He loses a toe but the foot looks like it will be saved. Seems like the docs have it under control. My sisters say to postpone my trip till Christmas, when dad is better and out of hospital. So we stay here in Denver.

Then, four nights after being admitted, two days before thanksgiving, all hell breaks loose. his heart stops. They perform life saving measures. He’s intubated, put on a ventilator. It doesn’t look good. His brain was without oxygen for 8-10 mins, they aren’t sure of the extent of the damage. Now the infection is the least of their concerns.

I look at options. Driving is cheaper but takes 13+ hours. Flying is quicker but so expensive. So so expensive (it’s last minute travel AND thanksgiving week). Because of course it is. Madrid family tradition to have dramatic health scares and hospital stays during major holidays (minor ones too).

But I want to be there. I need to be there. Just in case he doesn’t wake up. I need to see him and say goodbye. So we fly out the next day.

He survives. It takes several days but he is eventually taken off the ventilator. He wakes up. We get to see him and talk to him. he is weak. Confused. Can’t talk or articulate very well. Doesn’t understand what is happening. He asks for Ann, who has been dead for 7 years, and a hot dog on a stick (which is what my mom used to call corn dogs). He asks us what she thinks about all of this. We tell him she’s been gone for 7 years. He seems surprised at this, but nods a little.

He ends up getting ICU delirium. Which I had never heard of but is a very real thing.

There are a few rough days, where we wonder how much of this is lasting brain damage, how much is this delirium, how much are just the aftereffects of the sedation, medications and overall trauma.

The boys and I stay as long as we can but we have to get back to Denver. He is out of immediate danger and even tho we are worried about his mental state, at least we got to see him conscious.

He’s still in hospital but no longer in ICU. every day he gets a little bit better. His talking, memory and communication have all improved significantly. He understands more about what’s happening. He is weak still. Tired. Not eating much. Wants to go home. It will be awhile before that happens. He’s got a long recovery ahead of him. He will eventually be released to a rehab facility for continuing care.

But it looks like he’s going to be ok. We are grateful and relieved and happy we get more time with him.

The past few weeks has been very stressful and upsetting. I ended up missing my work trip but that is ok. I am super broke but that is ok. My dad is alive and we got to see him and he continues to improve. he will likely get to keep his foot. They don’t know why his heart stopped but he pulled through. I am convinced that when he “died,” he saw my mom and she told him that it wasn’t time yet, that us girls still needed him. So he came back to us.

So my thanksgiving this year was not that great and Arizona sucks, but I did get to go to eegees so that’s cool.

I would like to drive there around Christmas but finances are a little shaky right now. I might wait till some time in the new year, when he’s out of hospital and back home and I have a little more money.

But jeez Louise. 2024 has been another shit year, in a long string of shit years.

And here we go, facing another four years of total chaos and insanity.

Just as in 2016, I have checked the fuck out. I don’t want to know or see or think or feel. Just leave me be.