this video is only for the few

G recorded a video a month or two ago of the kid having some messy fun, throwing around the shredded documents from the shredder. it’s a few minutes long and kind of a big file, and really not very interesting except to a handful of people. so this is your warning. don’t come complaining to me about how boring it was after you’ve watched it.

finally, you all can see in action the mother-in-law I go on about so much. it’s probably kind of rude of me to put a video of her out on the internet. oh well. I do way worse things. believe me.

it’s funny when g throws confetti in his mom’s face and seeing him laugh about it. I like it when he laughs. it makes me feel good inside.

ry is having a great time too. this makes me feel good inside.

g’s mom, not having such a great time. this makes me feel good inside the most.

10 thoughts on “this video is only for the few

  1. Marianne

    I love how she is concerned about the germs on the paper getting into the food and then proceeds to blow all over the food to get rid of the paper….that’s awesome. Paper germs are way worse than spit germs.

    Ry is so friggin’ cute. What the fuck was all that paper doing on the floor?

  2. gina

    dude, that was much funnier than I expected. He nailed her with a bunch of paper. really, made me laugh out loud. That was one hell of a mess!

  3. DG

    Anthrax?? The womens a friggin’ troll..and someone please tell her to wear a friggin bra!!
    On South Park the teacher that doesnt wear a bra….
    Mrs Chokesondick ha ha!!!

  4. Jonathan

    She seems like a miserable person, from the demeanor & sound of her voice, but then, what exactly is the situation? She’s got her grown son, his girlfriend & their baby all living under her roof because the son is too much of a child to take care of his business. I’d probably be disagreeable too.

    Actually, what I’d really feel is guilt, once I kicked everyone out of my house and went on about my business. But not too much guilt. I’m kinda heartless that way.

  5. PA Michelle

    Dude, I was thinking the same thing as DG, but I thought it would be weird if I said it first. Its not as if I was purposely looking at her boobs, but I mean, its just all out there. Hot. ghetto. mess.

    I too also laughed at the part where he hit her with the paper (toward the end). Too funny.

  6. christa Post author

    To be fair, g’s mom had no idea that it was being recorded. Not only did she not know it was being recorded, she has no idea that I’ve put it up on the internet for strangers to watch. She would be mortified, truly and wholly. And she has the right to wear whatever she wants in her own house. I don’t go around wearing ball gowns and makeup 24/7. When I’m home, I will even take off my bra. oh the horror!!

    What you didn’t see was the rest of the video, where she’s shaking out her shirt to get the paper off and ends up flashing the camera. Just be grateful you didn’t have to see that. my eyes are still bleeding.

    I can’t believe I’m defending her, but she isn’t as miserable a person as this video makes her out to be. She certainly can be at times. But as much as I go on about her and as much as she drives me crazy, I do like her. She’s old-fashioned and uptight and needs to have sex in the worst way, but she tries. She tries very hard. This video was recorded when she had recently been laid-off and everyone was pissed at me for taking my family to AZ for the holidays.

    And this video is why I love gordon, because as cranky as his mother can be, he will still do something like throw a wad of shredded paper right in her face.

    I will say one thing: she isn’t miserable because we’re living with her. She’s actually happy about that. She was very upset when I told her we were leaving. She doesn’t want to be alone. She wants our money to go to her rather than some random landlord. She wants us around.

    Because we’re pretty damn likable, my family. And she feels a certain amount of guilt and responsibility for her son, who is definitely “too much of a child to take care of his business.” I can’t argue with the cold, hard facts. Of course, what that makes me, for staying with someone who can’t take care of his business, I don’t want to think about.

    alright enough about g’s mother!

  7. DG

    Dont be to upset Christa…. I dont really feel animosity toward her…only if I am instructed to by you. Its just once you let that Genie out of the bottle..people like Loafies can get pretty creative.
    We back you up 100% ….
    Its good to see your remorse. It shows character,
    Good character…

  8. neely

    LOVED IT!!!!!! Oh my. I think I peed my pants a little…maybe if I’d stop being stupid and would leave my room, thus would not have happened. But then again, I also would not have seen phyll be phyll on the net. I can’t fucking believe I haven’t st least heard about this! So phyll…I need to bookmark that video (is it on you tube at all?