Today, loafe would like to honor the two swell-est gals this side of the galaxy, Theresa and Marianne.

It is their birthdays today. Their 30th birthdays. Their scary awful depressing 30th birthdays. I feel both sad and elated. Sad for them and elated that it isn&#146t me.

No, no I kid!

I hope they both have really good days and that neither one is too upset about it. I wish I could with them both and I am in spirit. My poor girls. My poor old girls.

So a toast, everyone, to Marianne and Theresa and the beginning of the end!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!! I&#146ll love you guys forever!

I thought about making my page entirely black today for them, in mourning, but then I decided to hold off until MY 30th birthday.

3 thoughts on “HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!!

  1. Marianne

    It actually hasn’t been bad at all. I did a nice little ritual this morning, meditating on all the things I experienced and discovered during my twenties and mourning the fact that those firsts will never happen again (I got a very clear message from the goddess that it is right and good that these things be mourned). I felt much better after that. The full moon is only one night after my birthday, so that is a good sign for the future.

    So don’t cry for me, CJM, I am looking foward to celebrating all the great things my thirties will bring. Love you, girlfriend!