Thursday Divinity

Here’s the conversation I had this morning with Ryland. It was 6:30am, when he came into my room and woke me up. It was a lot of fun. and by fun I mean is it too late to have an abortion?

me: zzzz

ry: hi mommy.

me: zzzz

ry: hi mommy.

me: zzz razza frazza zzzz

ry: hi mommy

me: mmm. hi ry.

ry: I want candy

me: no

ry: I want candy mommy.

I crack open one eye and look at this nutball in his car jammies, asking for candy before the sun has barely woke up.

me: no

ry: I want candy please.

me: no candy in the morning are you crazy.

ry: I want candy

me: no, ry. no candy.

ry: just one please. I want one candy.

me: no

ry, holding up one chubby finger: just one candy, just one. okay just one.

me, turning over: no, ry, no candy. don’t ask me again. come lay in bed with me a bit longer.

ry: I want candy

me: no

ry: I want candy

me: no

ry: I want candy

me: no do you see what time it is? no.

ry: I want candy

me: no

ry: I want candy. just one. one candy.

me: no. no candy. zero candy.

ry: I want candy

me: don’t ask me again. no candy. you can’t have candy for breakfast.

ry: I want candy. just one candy okay mommy. just one mommy.

me: no. zero candy ry. zero candy.

ry: I want candy

me: no! I’m not going to answer you anymore. I’m going to ignore you if you keep asking me. no candy.

ry: I want candy

me: ….

ry: I want candy

me: ….

ry: I want candy

me: ….

ry: I want candy

me: ….

ry: I want candy

me: ….

ry, climbing all over me in bed: I want candy

me: ….

ry: I want candy

me: ….

ry: I want candy

me: ryland! enough! I said no candy. quit asking me. NO CANDY.

ry: I want candy

me: no

ry: I want candy

me: no

ry: I want candy

me: argh. no. where’s nana. go see what she’s doing.

ry: I want candy

ry: I want candy

ry: I want candy

ry: I want candy

ry: I want candy

ry: I want candy

This went on for another good five mins before he finally gave up and left the room. He probably found candy somewhere on his own.


and I say I want another one? shoot me now.

10 thoughts on “Thursday Divinity

  1. DG know… a little chloroform on a clothe , put it GENTLEY on his little muzzle.. and wallah
    sleepy time!!


  2. Jonathan

    I can’t sit at the computer (at home) without Emma walking up and asking “Emma movies?,” which is her way of saying I would like to watch several of the 20 second videoclips of me doing random stuff that I know you have on the computer.” As far as she’s concerned that’s all the computer is for. That and playing songs for her. For a while I knuckled under every time, but when I eventually started to respond with “Not right now, honey, daddy’s working,” she immediately counters with “COUPLE MOVIES!!” which is her way of saying JESUS CHRIST DAD IT’S NOT LIKE I’M ASKING FOR A PONY I JUST WANT TO SIT ON YOUR LAP AND WATCH A COUPLE HOME MOVIES OF ME BEING CUTE AND YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS OFFER BECAUSE ONE DAY YOU WILL WISH YOU COULD STILL MAKE ME THIS HAPPY WITH JUST A SINGLE MOUSECLICK BUT INSTEAD IT WILL BE A CAR I WILL BE ASKING FOR AND A NICE CAR AT THAT.

    So I pretty much always knuckle under. Stupid 2 year old has me all figured out.

  3. christa Post author

    that’s funny and cute JR. ryland loves to watch his movies, too. “wanna watch, wanna watch” sigh.

    I would have totally given ry candy this morning, but that would have meant getting up out of bed, and I just wasn’t ready to do it.

  4. Marianne

    My kids ate candy for breakfast for a whole week after Halloween. The good news is, after the week, the candy is gone. Does Ry still have his Halloween candy? Is that what he is asking for? I totally think you should have another and try making it a girl this time, willya?

  5. christa

    yes he’s asking for his halloween candy. we hide it. he has a lot left. he must have seen an empty wrapper or something, that’s all I can think.

    Also marianne I totally stole your dialogue when you go, “me: ….” thanks.

    and you know, if I could guarantee that I would have a girl, I think I would have another kid. I probably will get preggers again next year, after my boss comes back from her maternity leave.

  6. Marianne

    I always said I would want a third if I could guarantee it would be a girl….of course Chris said he wasn’t having a third no matter what, so it’s probably immaterial.